ter replicas of classic sculpture a leafless Michaelangelo's David caught Ron's eyes. He went over to get a closer view.

"Looks like some artist improved on the original," a throaty voice said behind him.

Ron turned and saw a cross between Charles Heston and Rock hudson: his chest a black mat of hair. Ron's eyelids fluttered. "Its charming. I've never seen one like it before."

“You oughta see mine. It makes this one look sick. You British?"

"Yes. I'm here on a holiday. I arrived this afternoon."

"Where you staying?"

"At the Hotel Knickerbocker."

He offered Ron a cigarette. "My name's Fred. What's yours?" "Ron."

"You know anyone here?"

"No," Ron lied, afraid if he told him about Jorge he'd have to explain how he met him.

"You must be well heeled to make this trip."

"But I'm not. I work for a publishing company in London."

"How about coming to my apartment to see my David?"

"I'd love to." He looked at his watch. 11.30. "If its not too late."

"Nothings ever too late in Hollywood."

They went through a side street leading up a hill to an old home converted into a rooming house, its windows dark. Light from a dingy brass chandelier lit the hall they entered. Ron followed Fred into a room barren but for a day bed and a delapidated chest of drawers.

"Where's David?" Ron asked, alarmed.

Fred jerked a police badge from inside his coat and shoved it before Ron's eyes. "You're under arrest," he snarled. "You're going to the station with me." Rons's mouth dropped open. "Oh no, no. What did I do?" he cried, terrified. "You'll find out when you're booked."

"No. Please! Please!" Ron sobbed.

"Well, what's it worth to you?"

Ron put his hand on the chest for support. He had ten dollars left from a travelers check he'd cashed at the hotel. He handed it to Fred. "Thats all I've got on me. My travelers checks are with my passport in the safe at the hotel."

"How many checks you got?"

"About $300 worth, I think."

"What's your room number?"


Fred seized Ron's hand and tore off his wrist watch and ring. "I'm keeping these as security. The first thing tomorrow morning you cash those checks, all of them. Understand! I'm coming to your room for the money. You better have it. You'll keep your mouth shut if you want to stay out of jail." He opened the door and shoved Ron into the hall.

How he found his way back to the hotel, Ron never knew. He trembled so violently he wondered if he'd ever make it. In his room he saw Jorge's card on the night table-"If you ever need help-" Ron downed two glasses of ice water and two aspirins before he felt quiet enough to phone Jorge. He started to explain what happened but Jorge stopped him. "Phones have big ears. Wait